VAT 2022.08.18
- VAT BE: 2.0.1
- VAT FE: 2.9.40
- ROSIE: none
BLUF of release
- Based on user feedback, it wasn't clear how a vendor could request write access to an image, or that they needed to for that matter.
- This update makes the "Request Container Access" button and it's purpose much more apparent for vendors. A lot.
- Based on user feedback, it was not at all apparent that the "Status", "ABC", and "ORA" elements at the top of the image page could be clicked on to get a popup chock-full of important additional information.
- This updates makes each of these elements clearly clickable button elements.
- Based on user feedback, the On-boarding page for managing Pipeline Access Requests failed to easily identify the image name specified in the manifest.
- Fixed Pipeline Access Requests to show the image name specified on the manifest.
- Added a hyperlink and warning icon to the image name when the image already exists in VAT.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent the ABC compliance on the catalog page from updating due to caching issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused Conditionally Approved images to calculate as Verified when the expiration date was the current date.
- Based on user feedback, VAT wouldn't run on Safari.
- Updated the application to get around the fact that Safari doesn't support Regex lookback.
- Fixed a bug on the finding logs page where the control to show full dates would cause the page to refresh.
- Updated version of Bootstrap and resolved breaking changes.
- Fixes for CSS styles across chrome and firefox to better align text, buttons, and icons.
- Fixes for tag dropdown on Image Page where the content could be truncated.
P1 API Breaking Changes
- Swagger for p1 was moved and can now be found:
- for the interactive UI
- for raw definitions.
There will be more such changes in future releases to standardize values
Tickets Completed
Ticket | Description | Type |
IBVAT-1093 | Bug: Return 4xx status code on bad api path | BE, Import/Pipelines |
IBVAT-1099 | CSS creates issues where firefox and chrome produce different visual results | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1107 | Bug: ABC compliance doesn't calculate expiration date like the rest of the app. | UI/UX, IBFE, API/P1 |
IBVAT-1168 | vat-frontend - Tags drop down does not display correctly for some containers. | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1184 | Request Container Access button should be more apparent | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1190 | Bug: vat-frontend - Finding logs -Enabling the Show Full dates refreshes the page | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1214 | Onboarding container access requests needs VAT image value | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1221 | Bug: broken tooltip locations due to bootstrap update | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1223 | Resolve bootstrap 5.2 style issues | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1224 | Bug: Fix VAT to run on Safari. Safari doesn't support Regex lookbehind. | UI/UX |
IBVAT-1225 | Bug: Fix incorrect abc compliance status in container catalog | UI/UX, IBFE, API/P1 |
IBVAT-1231 | Need a way to clearly show that status elements in the image page are clickable. | UI/UX |
Misc Work: (No user experience changes):
- IBVAT-922: Spike: Research alternatives for minikube
- IBVAT-985: Frontend cleanup: Remove dead code and styles
- IBVAT-1110: Spike: Fast dev startup
- IBVAT-1187: Track user logins
- IBVAT-1216: vat-backend - VAT-IBFE-ApI - /container-details endpoint failing schema validation
- IBVAT-1229: Onboarding: Image Access Requests button is broken
- Monthly dependency updates.