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Repository Structure

This document will walk users through the process of creating an Iron Bank compliant repository structure. Failure to comply with the required structure could lead to pipeline failures and/or delays with the verification process.

Project Structure

At this point, your project repository has been created for you by the onboarding team. Notice that a .gitlab directory and have been created by default. The current default branch is development. Your work must take place on a feature branch (not development or master).

Required Folder Structure:

container-project (feature-branch)
├── Dockerfile                     (required)
├── Dockerfile.arm64               (optional)
├── hardening_manifest.yaml        (required)
├── LICENSE                        (required)
├──                      (required)
├── renovate.json                  (file to be created if needed)
├── config/                        (directory to be created if needed)
├── documentation/                 (directory to be created if needed)
├── scripts/                       (directory to be created if needed)
└── .gitlab/                       (created by default)

Note: Do not submit source code to the repository. Additional directories can be included if necessary.

Required Branching Structure:

master (the published version of the application)
├── development (the application version being submitted to be hosted)
    └── feature branches

Note: In order for your application and version to be published in Registry1, it must be merged to master. Under our current process, a member of the container hardening team will perform the merge into development. The merge into master will only be performed by the security team. It is your responsibility to ensure your application is fully completed and can be tracked via your Gitlab issue for your container.

Required Components

This section will detail the various components required for your container(s) to be accepted into Iron Bank. This includes the various requirements for the Dockerfile, hardening_manifest.yaml, LICENSE, README, and any other files required.


If you are a contributor and you have a product that is both enterprise and open source/free software, you must provide both containers. Iron Bank does not accept enterprise containers if the open source container is not also provided.

1. Dockerfile

Your repository must only have one Dockerfile at the root of the project repository.

For more information on how this Dockerfile should be structured, please see Dockerfile Requirements.

2. Dockerfile.arm64

Your repository can have one Dockerfile.arm64 at the root of the project repository.

For more information on how this Dockerfile.arm64 should be structured, please see Dockerfile Requirements.

3. hardening_manifest.yaml file

Contributors will need a hardening_manifest.yaml file in the root of the project repository which provides details about the image.

For more information on the hardening_manifest.yaml file, please see Hardening Manifest.


The license is required for all containers and should be included in the root of the project along with the Dockerfile. If you have an opensource container, include the opensource license. If you have a container for a commercial product, please indicate in your the kind of license required to run your product in addition to providing a copy of the license/EULA.

Your license file must be specifically called LICENSE and must be in plain text. If you are submitting a PDF version of the license, you can submit it as-is but your LICENSE file must specifically refer to it and both files must be included within your container.


A is required. It should include, at minimum:

    a) An overview of what the container is used for

    b) Instructions on launching/running the containe. Iron Bank containers are specifically meant to run on Kubernetes for production deployments and not on Docker Swarm, CLI or other environments. Any instructions for environments outside of Kubernetes will be rejected.

    c) A list of recommended resource requirements for running container:

        1) Min/max cpu --desired state

        2) Min/max memory --desired state

        3) Storage min/max/limits --Allow us to scale accordingly and limit apps from requesting terra/pentabytes of storage

        4) How many storage volumes the application needs

        5) Max number of containers

    d) Hyperlinks to reference documentation or other resources (e.g. upstream repository, deployment instructions)

Additional details can be specified within your file as you see fit.

6. Renovate.json

Renovate handles updating out-of-date dependencies and can be customized for individual projects by placing renovate.json in the root of the repository. For more information on this process and what this file should contain, please see the renovate documentation.

7. Config directory

Default configuration files for an application should reside within Repo1 in the config directory. This allows reviewers to easily see the contents of any configuration files. The default configuration should enable any relevant security settings.

8. Documentation directory

Aside from the README, any additional documentation should be placed into a documentation directory in the root of the project.

9. Scripts directory

If you have any scripts that are used in the Dockerfile (e.g. entrypoint script), you may NOT include them in a tarball pulled via the hardening_manifest.yaml file. Create a scripts directory at the root of the project, include them there, and copy them from the build context to the image.

Scripts will not have any download commands. Downloads must be done in the resources section of thehardening_manifest.yaml file.

Container hardening should be done within the Dockerfile whenever possible.

Examples of scripts which are permitted (by no means an exhaustive list):

  • scripts which serve as an entrypoint to the container on startup
  • scripts which are utilized during the container runtime and do not include any external calls to the internet
  • scripts which enable the container to start or connect to a database

DO NOT include scripts in the hardening_manifest.yaml file. The container will not be published if this is the case. You MUST include all scripts in this directory via upload to the Repo1 project repository.