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Justifications are an important part to the Iron Bank process to help assess overall risk. Vulnerability scanners often generate false positives and do not indicate whether a finding can be exploited in a given application. Justifications provide additional context and detail for these findings:

  • Is the application vulnerable?
  • Is there a timeline for remediation?
  • What is the probability a finding will be remediated in a future release?

Justification Types

The following table defines the different types available for justifications.

Justification Description
False Positive False positives include items that a scanner incorrectly identifies such as a wrong package or version. This does NOT include findings that are mitigated or not vulnerable.
Disputed Issues marked as DISPUTED within the NVD. This does NOT include issues a contributor is disputing. It must be marked as such within the NVD.
True Positive Image is vulnerable to this finding. Default state of a new finding.
No Fix Available There is no patch available. This ONLY considers the vulnerable library itself, not downstream products.
Won't Fix Issues marked as WONT_FIX by the vendor. Mainly reserved for OS distributions.
Distro Package Vulnerability is for a library provided by the Operating System (OS) distribution. Only applicable when using the latest version of a distribution and library.
Pending Resolution Upstream project is aware of vulnerability and is tracking an issue ticket to fix.
Unreleased Fix is available in a branch for the next release, but is not yet available.
Mitigated Issue has a mitigation that reduces severity or risk.
Not Vulnerable Issue is not exploitable within application.

Best Practices

  • Include links to discussions: References to upstream tickets, pull requests, or issues makes it easy for a consumer to follow the justification rationale
  • Include dates and milestones: References to which version includes a patch and any release timelines provides insight into when a fix is expected
  • Include the dependency chain: The depth of a dependency tree indicates how many projects stand in the way of patching a transitive dependency

See the Example Justifications section below to get a better idea of the type of information to include.

_ Refer to the Acceptable Baseline Criteria (ABC) for timelines on submitting justifications.

Vulnerability Assessment Tracker

The Vulnerability Assessment Tracker (VAT) provides end-to-end management of justifications and facilitates the Iron Bank vulnerability and compliance assessment process.

You can use the VAT tool to submit your justifications for review. The VAT is available here:

By default, users are granted read-only access. To request write access:

  • Create an Access Request issue within your GitLab repository
  • Specify which container images you need write access to


There are three roles within the VAT:

  1. Container Contributor: Vendors and contributors
  2. Findings Reviewer: Container Hardening Team (CHT) cybersecurity engineers


flowchart TB
    FindingsIssue((Findings Issue)) -.-> |Assign Yourself, label Hardening::In Progress| FindingsIssue
    FindingsIssue -->|Open VAT URL| VAT(VAT)
    FindingsIssue --> |Open job URL| Stage(Click VAT URL)
    FindingsIssue --> |If Pipeline has not ran\nfor over 24 hours| rerun(Rerun Development\nPipeline)
    rerun --> |Open pipeline\nScroll and open 'check-cves'\nClick VAT URL| VAT[(VAT)]
    Stage --> VAT[(VAT)]
    subgraph id1 [Inside VAT]
    VAT --> Findings[[Provide justifications]]
    Findings --> SaveProgress(Click Save Progress Button)
    SaveProgress --> |Copy VAT URL\nComment 'Findings justified in VAT'\nPaste VAT URL\n Check off Tasks\n Apply Hardening::Verification| Security{CHT Security}
    Security --> |Review justifications| Review[[Review]]
    Review --> |Valid justifications| Close{{Approve in VAT\n Close Issue}}
    Review --> |Invalid justifications\n Removes Hardening::Verification label\nComments on Issue| FindingsIssue2((Findings Issue))
    FindingsIssue2 --> |Rework Justifications\nApply Hardening::Verification label| Security

    style FindingsIssue fill:#00802b
    style FindingsIssue2 fill:#00802b
    style VAT fill:#00802b
    style Stage fill:#00802b
    style rerun fill:#00802b
    style Findings fill:#00802b
    style SaveProgress fill:#00802b

    style Review fill:#5900b3
    style Security fill:#5900b3

    style Close fill:#ff0000


You must also assign the Hardening::Verification label on the GitLab issue ticket after submitting a container for review.

Example Justifications

False Positive

Use False Positive when the scanner incorrectly identifies a finding. Typical false positives include matching against the wrong architecture, language, operating system, package, or version.

ID Image Justification
CVE-2021-38297 opensource/mattermost/mattermost:6.4.2 Mattermost is not compiled as a WASM module so is not affected.
CVE-2017-18589 opensource/external-secrets/kubernetes-external-secrets:8.5.4 kubernetes-external-secrets uses the npm cookie library. This vulnerability is for a Rust crate.
CVE-2022-21673 opensource/grafana/grafana:8.4.2 Fixed in Grafana 7.5.13 and 8.3.4. Grafana 8.4.2 or greater is installed.
CVE-2020-17753 opensource/nodejs/nodejs12:12.22.10 nodejs uses the npm rc package which is a configuration loader for nodejs. This vulnerability is for rc, a command interpreter and programming language similar to sh.
CVE-2018-16487 opensource/wordpress/wordpress:5.9.2 WordPress is using lodash 4.17.19 or greater and is not affected. The scanner is incorrectly matching against Underscore.js 1.8.3 in the lodash.js file.

NVD Disputed

ID Image Justification
CVE-2018-20200 opensource/wildfly/wildfly:25.0.0.Final Refers to a disputed CVE that Square will not fix because there is no useful action to take.

True Positive

ID Image Justification
CVE-2021-36221 opensource/velero/velero:v1.8.1 Fix available in Go 1.16.7 on 2021-08-05. velero is compiled with Go 1.17.6 or greater and is not affected. restic is using 1.16.6 and has not had a new release since 2021-08-03. restic is not tracking upgrading to Go 1.17, but its release pipeline uses the latest version of 1.16.x.

Pending Resolution

Use Pending Resolution when the affected application has created an issue to resolve the finding, but has not fixed it yet. Include a reference to the issue ticket if available.

ID Image Justification
CVE-2021-43859 opensource/keycloak/keycloak:17.0.0 Fix available in XStream 1.4.19 on 2022-01-29. Keycloak will upgrade to XStream 1.4.19 in their 17.0.1 and 18.0.0 release. XStream is a transitive dependency of Infinispan and is affected.


Use Unreleased when the affected application has resolved the finding, but has not released it yet. Include a reference to the pull request if available.

ID Image Justification
CVE-2022-23772 opensource/goharbor/harbor-core:2.4.1 Fix available in Go 1.17.7 on 2022-02-10. harbor-core has upgraded to Go 1.17.7 on their main branch, but has not released 2.5.x yet.
CVE-2021-45105 opensource/apache-pulsar/pulsar:2.9.1 Fix available in log4j 2.17.0 on 2021-12-17. pulsar has upgraded to log4j v2.17.1 in their master branch, but has not cut a new release yet.


Not Vulnerable

ID Image Justification
CVE-2020-26160 opensource/kiali/kiali:v1.47.0 Fix available in jwt-go 4.0.0-preview1 on 2020-01-06. Kiali has not patched, but claims to not be affected. They are tracking an upgrade to golang-jwt, but are considering it as a future upgrade instead of a bug/security fix.
CVE-2020-29652 opensource/kaniko/kaniko:v1.8.0 Kaniko does not run an SSH server so is not vulnerable.
CVE-2019-17571 opensource/apache/zookeeper:3.7.0 Zookeeper does not use SocketServer so is not vulnerable. Zookeeper is tracking upgrading to logback in 3.8.x:

What is the difference between Mitigated and Not Vulnerable?

Mitigated: A mitigation has been applied to reduce the severity or risk of an exploit. For example:

  - increasing the attack complexity
  - removing attack vectors
  - increasing the privileges required
  - reducing the impact to confidentiality, integrity, or availability

In other words, any change that would reduce the CVSS score is considered a mitigation. This generally applies to findings where an active step has been taken such as modifying a configuration setting.

**Not Vulnerable**: A vulnerability is not exploitable within an application. This primarily applies to shipping a vulnerable library, but a path to exploit the vulnerability does not exist. For example:

  - Exploit requires parsing untrusted input, but the application does not parse untrusted input
  - Exploit requires a specific function, but the application does not use that function

For vulnerabilities that are not exploitable because of an incorrect package, operating system, architecture, language, or version, use `False Positive`. For vulnerabilities that are not exploitable because a mitigation has been applied, use `Mitigated`.